phobias are not for life

why do so many people suffer on and on with their fears and phobais when they can be removed?

I wish I knew as I was one of those people....

I used to be scared of needles... I've passed out in all the best places and my wife has had to fetch me...

I felt such a fool yet I did nothing to fix it....

When I was training in hypnotherapy and NLP they asked for somebody to demonstrate on and I thought "hey, lets give it a go". Twenty minutes later I was fixed.... How mad is that?

I had alreadu been practicing trance induction so was an easy subject. When I see clients most of the session is spent explaining the concent of phobias and telling stories. To be honest it really doesn't take long but most people would be too sceptical if you just got down to it and fixed it as soon as they sat down... A little rapport building first maybe

remember a phobia does not need to be for life......

PTSD, fears and phobias can be fixed now


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