Heortophobia: fear of holidays
actually is a fear of holidays?
- new places
- new people
- leaving work
- spending too much time with your family
- fear of the unknown
- not wanting to come back to your real life!
- it not meeting your expectations
- drinking too much and vomiting
There are
so many possibilities....
How about
we consider what some call 'the law of attraction' or 'what you focus on is
what you'll get!
Our brain
is a heat seeking missile and doesn't really know the difference between
imagination and reality that’s why we get sucked into a good book or film and
develop phobias/fears just like this one. In NLP we use a structure to build goals
or more specifically ‘well-formed outcomes’
The well-formedness conditions:
Be stated in the positive (that is, what you want,
rather than what you don’t want), see positive and negative
Be capable of representation in the sensory
representational system (tangible rather than theoretical or conceptual: able
in principle to be evidenced through the senses when attained - seen, heard, felt
Be initiated and maintained by the individual – achievable.
Have all the resources (people, psycho-physiological
states, time, capital, equipment, or material) required or accessible.
Have a defined time frame
Have an ecology check – impact on self and those around
When setting goals in this way it is as if the brain experiences them as
real and therefore responds in that way. It exactly the same process for
experiencing anticipation of fear or anxiety so its much better to point it at
what you really want.
A holiday can be seen as a pause from real life so I believe you should
choose to pause and run the holiday movie as an experience you will really
benefit from
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